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ISO 6892-2:2018 specifies a method of tensile testing of metallic materials at temperatures higher than room temperature.
ISO/IEC 27017:2015 gives guidelines for information security controls applicable to the provision and use of cloud services by providing:
- additional implementation guidance for relevant controls specified in ISO/IEC 27002;
- additional controls with implementation guidance that specifically relate to cloud services.
This Recommendation | International Standard provides controls and implementation guidance for both cloud service providers and cloud service customers.
ISO 15883-6:2011 specifies particular requirements for washer-disinfectors (WDs) intended for use when the level of assurance of disinfection that is necessary can be achieved by cleaning and thermal disinfection (A0 not less than 60) and does not require an independent automated record of critical processes to be kept. It is intended to be used in conjunction with ISO 15883-1, which gives general requirements for WDs.
The range of products on which WDs of this particular type can be used is restricted to devices and equipment which are non-invasive and non-critical (i.e. not penetrating skin or contacting mucosal surfaces).
This document specifies methods for determining the compressive strength and corresponding relative deformation, the compressive stress at 10 % relative deformation, and the compressive modulus of rigid cellular plastics.
This document defines the framework for the digital twins in the built environment. It includes the terms and definitions, the relation with building information modelling and addresses the lack of standards for the qualitative specification of a digital twin, which can include geometric, attributive, structural and infrastructural quality, as applicable.
It will be based on the experiences obtained in use cases [1] and other TCs, including ISO/IEC 30173:2023 Digital twin — Concepts and terminology.
This document can be used in the development of other standards and in support of communications among diverse, interested parties or stakeholders. This initiative aims to define an ecosystem of digital twins opening the opportunity to release even greater value, using data for the public good.
ISO/IEC 17020:2012 specifies requirements for the competence of bodies performing inspection and for the impartiality and consistency of their inspection activities.
It applies to inspection bodies of type A, B or C, as defined in ISO/IEC 17020:2012, and it applies to any stage of inspection.
This document specifies requirements for the machine manufacturer for preparation of the safety-relevant parts of an instruction handbook for machinery.
This document:
— provides further specifications to the general requirements on information for use given in ISO 12100:2010, 6.4.5; and
— deals with the safety-related content, the corresponding structure and presentation of the instruction handbook, taking into account all phases of the life cycle of the machine.
NOTE 1 The strategy for risk reduction at the machine is given in ISO 12100:2010, Clause 6, and includes inherently safe design measures, safeguarding and complementary risk reduction measures as well as information for use.
NOTE 2 Annex A contains a correspondence table between ISO 12100:2010, 6.4, and this document.
NOTE 3 Information for conception and preparation of instructions in general is available in IEC/IEEE 82079-1.
This document establishes the principles which are indispensable to provide information on residual risks.
This document does not address requirements for declaration of noise and vibration emissions.
This document is not applicable to machinery manufactured before the date of its publication.
ISO 9241-171:2008 provides ergonomics guidance and specifications for the design of accessible software for use at work, in the home, in education and in public places. It covers issues associated with designing accessible software for people with the widest range of physical, sensory and cognitive abilities, including those who are temporarily disabled, and the elderly. It addresses software considerations for accessibility that complement general design for usability as addressed by ISO 9241-110, ISO 9241-11 to ISO 9241-17, ISO 14915 and ISO 13407.
ISO 9241-171:2008 is applicable to the accessibility of interactive systems. It addresses a wide range of software (e.g. office, Web, learning support and library systems).
It promotes the increased usability of systems for a wider range of users. While it does not cover the behaviour of, or requirements for, assistive technologies (including assistive software), it does address the use of assistive technologies as an integrated component of interactive systems.
It is intended for use by those responsible for the specification, design, development, evaluation and procurement of software platforms and software applications.
ISO 19630:2017 specifies the conditions for the determination of tensile properties of single filaments of ceramic fibre such as tensile strength, Young modulus and fracture strain. The method applies to continuous ceramic filaments taken from tows, yarns, braids and knittings, which have strain to fracture less than or equal to 5 %.
The method does not apply to carbon fibres that exhibit nonlinear stress-strain curve. The method does not apply to checking the homogeneity of strength properties of fibres, nor to assessing the effects of volume under stress. Statistical aspects of filament failure are not included.
This document specifies the characteristics of, and corresponding test methods for, unalloyed titanium for use in the manufacture of surgical implants.
Six grades of titanium based on tensile strength are listed in Table 2.
NOTE The mechanical properties of a sample obtained from a finished product made of this metal do not necessarily comply with those specified in this document.
ISO 17138:2014 describes a method for the determination of the flexural strength of ceramic matrix composite materials with continuous fibre reinforcement, under three-point or four-point bend at room temperature. This method applies to all ceramic matrix composites with a continuous fibre reinforcement, unidirectional (1D), bidirectional (2D), and tridirectional xD with (2 ; < x ≤ 3) as defined in CEN/TR 13233, loaded along one principal axis of reinforcement.
This document gives guidance for obtaining the best analysis results possible from a Gas Chromatograph (GC) when analysing natural gas and natural gas substitutes for combined use with the most recent versions of ISO 6974’s part 1, 2 and 3. (Examples are given.)
This document specifies a method for the qualification and quantification of certain quinoline derivatives in textile products by means of extraction with methanol and gas chromatography with mass selective detector or liquid chromatography with mass selective detector. The method is applicable to all kinds of textile products consisting of natural or artificially dyed textile fibres and fabrics.
It is further applicable to dyestuff powder used as textile auxiliary for dyeing and printing.
This document specifies requirements and test methods for durability, strength, security and functionality of sliding closing devices (SCDs) for windows and door height windows.
This document does not specifically cover the handles used in handle-operated SCDs or the sash fasteners used in cam-operated SCDs, requirements and test methods for which are given in
EN 13126-2, EN 13126-3 and EN 13126-14, respectively.
This document specifies minimum performance requirements for self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), except escape device and diving device.
This document specifies in the Annex D optional requirements regarding the interchangeability of the cylinder for single-cylinder SCBA.
Laboratory and practical performance tests are included for the assessment of compliance with the requirements.