Pregled nacrta
EN 50483 series applies to overhead line fittings for tensioning, supporting and connecting aerial bundled cables (ABC) of rated voltage U0/U (Um): 0,6/1 (1,2) kV.
This Part 4 applies to connectors used for the electrical connection of ABC.
The connectors are designed to be installed where either the main and/or branch cable is ABC as defined by HD 626.
Tests described in this document are type tests.
This international standard defines a method of determining bulk density of solid recovered fuels by the use of a standard measuring container.
ISO 11431:2002 specifies a method for the determination of the adhesion/cohesion properties of sealants after cyclic exposure to heat and artificial light followed by a period of exposure to water at a defined temperature.
Norma HRN 1153 nastala je kao rezultat potrebe tržišta Republike Hrvatske za specifikacijskom normom koja utvrđuje kvalitetu loživog ulja ekstra lakog jer za navedeni proizvod ne postoji odgovarajuća europska ili međunarodna specifikacijska norma.
U ovu je hrvatsku normu ugrađen zahtjev granične vrijednosti količine ukupnoga sumpora za predmetni proizvod koji se stavlja na tržište Republike Hrvatske.
Norma HRN 1153 utvrđuje zahtjeve kvalitete, metode ispitivanja, način uzorkovanja te označivanja loživog ulja ekstra lakog koje se upotrebljava za zagrijavanje prostora i u tehnološkim procesima.
Loživo ulje ekstra lako je srednje destilatno gorivo, koje se kao izvor energije upotrebljava na uređajima s isparnim plamenicima i plamenicima na rasprskavanje, bez mogućnosti predgrijavanja goriva. Ono je smjesa ugljikovodika s količinom ukupnoga sumpora, najviše 0,1 % m/m.
Loživo ulje ekstra lako, sukladno Uredbi o kvaliteti tekućih naftnih goriva, pripada u skupinu plinskih ulja.
NAPOMENA: Za potrebe ove norme jedinice „% m/m“ i „% V/V“ upotrebljavaju se za označivanje masenog udjela (µ) i udjela obujma (φ).
This document specifies safety requirements and measures for all types and sizes of Mobile
Elevating Work Platform (MEWP, see 3.1) intended to move persons to working positions where
they are carrying out work from the work platform (WP) with the intention that persons are
getting on and off the work platform only at access positions at ground level or on the chassis.
This document specifies the security requirements for the design of checkout furniture in self-service stores, regardless of the size of the store. Safety requirements apply to both the operator and the public.
This document applies to all types of checkout furniture equipped with electrically powered conveyor(s). It does not deal with computer equipment related to cash register furniture.
This document covers all significant hazardous phenomena, situations or events, with the exception of..., which are relevant to cash registers when used normally and when they are subject to reasonably
foreseeable misuse by the manufacturer.
(Risks covered: mechanical, electrical (excluding IT, including controls), electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), ergonomics (refer to standard NF X 35-701 which must evolve into a European standard), hygiene (food contact, REACH, materials, cleaning products), recyclability, fire, noise).
Ovaj dokument određuje vrijednosti nacionalnih parametara ili određenih postupaka proračuna uz normu HRN EN 1993-1-2:2024 i primjenjuje se zajedno s tom normom.
Ovaj dokument određuje vrijednosti nacionalnih parametara ili određenih postupaka proračuna uz normu HRN EN 1993-1-3:2024 i primjenjuje se zajedno s tom normom.
Ovaj dokument određuje vrijednosti nacionalnih parametara ili određenih postupaka proračuna uz normu HRN EN 1993-1-8:2024 i primjenjuje se zajedno s tom normom.
Ovaj dokument određuje vrijednosti nacionalnih parametara ili određenih postupaka proračuna uz normu HRN EN 1993-1-13:2024 i primjenjuje se zajedno s tom normom.
U ovom se dokumentu utvrđuje postupak ispitivanja za potrebe vizualnog i fotometrijskog određivanja dimnog broja otpadnih plinova koji nastaju izgaranjem loživog ulja ekstra lakog (EL) prema normi
DIN 51603-1. Dimni broj služi za označivanje udjela čađe i lebdećeg koksa u otpadnim plinovima iz uljnih kotlovnica koji potječe od spaljivanja goriva.
Odredbe ove norme usklađene su sa sadržajem zahtjeva za konstrukciju uređaja za određivanje dimnog broja iz Prve uredbe o provedbi Saveznog zakona o zaštiti od štetnih utjecaja na okoliš (Pravilnik o malim i srednjim ložištima – 1. BImSchV) od 26. lipnja 2010. godine, objavljene u Saveznom službenom listu, 1. dio, br. 4, str. 38 – 56.
NAPOMENA: Iz rezultata se ne mogu izvući kvantitativni zaključci ni o masenoj koncentraciji čađe u otpadnom plinu u mg/m3 ni o masenom udjelu čađe koji se odnosi na gorivo u mg/kg.
NB [1]) Uočena pogreška u izvorniku, pogrešno se navodi DIN EN ISO 5063
This document specifies a procedure for a chamber test with different options of chamber sizes to measure the formaldehyde concentrations in air from wood products under defined test conditions of temperature, relative humidity, loading and air exchange rate.
Results obtained from this small-scale chamber test method can be used for quality control (factory production control – ‘FPC’) based on correlation established by reference chamber test methods according to ISO, EN or ASTM standards. The establishment of a correlation is described in Annex D.
This document specifies procedures suitable for the analysis of data which, when converted into logarithms
of the values, have either a normal or a skewed distribution. It is intended for use with test methods and
referring standards for glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes or fittings for the analysis of
properties as a function of time. However, it can also be used for the analysis of other data.
Two methods are specified, which are used depending on the nature of the data. Extrapolation using these
techniques typically extends a trend from data gathered over a period of approximately 10 000 h to a
prediction of the property at 50 years, which is the typical maximum extrapolation time.
This document only addresses the analysis of data. The test procedures for collecting the data, the number of samples required and the time period over which data are collected are covered by the referring standards and/ or test methods. Clause 6 discusses how the data analysis methods are applied to product testing and design.
This document specifies a method for the determination of interlaminar shear strength at ambient temperature by the compression of a double-notched test piece and a method for the determination of interlaminar shear strength and modulus at ambient temperature by the Iosipescu test. This document applies to all ceramic matrix composites with a continuous fibre reinforcement, having unidirectional (1D), bidirectional (2D) and multidirectional (xD, with x ; > 2) fibre architecture, where a major part of reinforcements is a stack of plies.
This document is applicable to material development, material comparison, quality assurance, characterization, reliability and design data generation. The simpler compression test method of a double-notched test piece is applicable only when the shear strength has to be measured.
This document lays down the requirements for the HBES Point API extension to the EN 50090 series, allowing vendor independent communication between smart home and building devices on IPv6 networks.