Podaci o nacrtu

Oznaka:prEN 18120-1
Odbor:HZN/TO 508
Ime odbora:Ambalaža i pakiranje
Nacrt objavljen za komentiranje:2024-10-07
Rok za komentiranje:2024-11-12
Broj komentara:0
Contact email:nacrti(at)hzn.hr
Područje primjene nacrta:

This document provides a process that manages the identification of the level of compatibility of plastic packaging features with collection, sorting and recycling, describing the level of compatibility as fully, limited, and not recyclable.
This standard covers any plastic packaging where the main body is made of plastic material. It targets to harmonize the design for recycling standard approach for each resin.

Sustav komentiranja nacrta norma – Sufinancirale Europska unija i EFTA    

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