Podaci o nacrtu

Oznaka:prEN ISO 11641
Odbor:HZN/TO 120
Ime odbora:Koža i obuća
Nacrt objavljen za komentiranje:2024-10-09
Rok za komentiranje:2024-11-17
Broj komentara:0
Contact email:nacrti(at)hzn.hr
Područje primjene nacrta:

ISO 11641:2012 specifies a method for determining the colour fastness to perspiration of leather of all kinds at all stages of processing. It applies particularly to gloving, clothing and lining leathers, as well as leather for the uppers of unlined shoes.
The method uses an artificial perspiration solution to simulate the action of human perspiration. Since perspiration varies widely from one individual to the next, it is not possible to design a method with universal validity, but the alkaline artificial perspiration solution specified in ISO 11641:2012 will give results corresponding to those with natural perspiration in most cases.

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