Podaci o nacrtu

Oznaka:EN 12983-2:2023/prA1
Odbor:HZN/TO 568
Ime odbora:Analiza hrane – horizontalne metode, mikrobiologija, posuđe i pribor u kontaktu s hranom
Nacrt objavljen za komentiranje:2024-11-11
Rok za komentiranje:2024-11-26
Broj komentara:0
Contact email:nacrti(at)hzn.hr
Područje primjene nacrta:
This document specifies safety and performance requirements of domestic ceramic and glass ceramic cookware for use on top of a stove, cooker or hob.
This document envisages that oven top applications for ceramic utensils involve all or specific parts of the cooking operation, for example, the browning of meat, where the remainder of the cooking can be completed in an oven or on top of the stove.
NOTE Requirements for suitability for use with induction hobs are in the process of being compiled.

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