Podaci o nacrtu

Oznaka:prEN 15154-1
Odbor:HZN/TU C1
Ime odbora:Kemikalije, kemijsko inženjerstvo, poljoprivredni i prehrambeni proizvodi 1
Nacrt objavljen za komentiranje:2024-11-19
Rok za komentiranje:2024-12-16
Broj komentara:0
Contact email:nacrti(at)hzn.hr
Područje primjene nacrta:
This document is a product specification, giving performance requirements for emergency safety body showers connected to the water supply. It is applicable to plumbed-in body showers only, located in laboratory facilities.
Requirements are given in respect of the performance, installation, adjustment and marking of the showers as well as installation, operation and maintenance instructions to be given by the manufacturer.
NOTE Attention is drawn to national regulations which might apply in respect of the installation and use of emergency safety showers.

Sustav komentiranja nacrta norma – Sufinancirale Europska unija i EFTA    

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