Podaci o nacrtu

Oznaka:prEN 50600-3-1:2024
Odbor:HZN/TO E502
Ime odbora:Elektrotehnički aspekti telekomunikacijske opreme
Nacrt objavljen za komentiranje:2024-11-19
Rok za komentiranje:2024-12-10
Broj komentara:0
Contact email:nacrti(at)hzn.hr
Područje primjene nacrta:

This document specifies processes for the management and operation of data centres. The primary focus of this document is the processes necessary to deliver the expected level of resilience, availability, risk management, risk mitigation, capacity planning, security and resource and energy efficiency.
The secondary focus is on organization and data centre management to align the actual and future demands. Only processes specific for data centres are in the scope of this document.
Business processes like people management, financial management, etc. are out of scope.

Sustav komentiranja nacrta norma – Sufinancirale Europska unija i EFTA    

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